April is Poetry Month: Teen Display

National Poetry Month Library Display

20150331_101534Happy National Poetry Month everyone! Celebrations are held, awards are presented, and most of the world goes on living their lives, oblivious. Many teens may not have had a chance to enjoy poetry (in the traditional sense) outside of English class. and I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce them to the popular, evocative Novel In Verse.

I created a sign that says “April is National Poetry Month,” and surrounded it with quotes about poetry:

  • Poetry is everywhere; it just needs editing. James Tate
  •  A poet’s work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world, and stop it going to sleep. Salman Rushdie
  •  Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen
  •  A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language. W.H. Auden

20150331_101525More excellent quotes can be found here, or check out my post about 10 Poems that Teens Might Actually Love.

I also created an envelope full of poems with the sign “April 30 is Poem-In-Your-Pocket Day, Take a Poem” with the help of the Poem In Your Pocket pack from poets.org. I love the idea of focusing on the physical aspect of the poem – feeling it sit in your pocket all day, reminding you to stop and think. Reminding you to feel, observe, and edit.

DSCN1967I also included a Prompt Bucket, filled with motivational Poetry Prompts. Poetry themed buttons were scattered on the display, because if there’s one way to draw teens in, its with free buttons.

I created a list of Novels in Verse with the help of a coworker – please note that this list is again specific to the books available at my branch of The Idea Exchange. If there’s a novel in verse you think I should know about, leave it in the comments!

YA Novels In Verse Booklist

20150331_101549Wicked Girls by Stephanie Hemphill
Perfect by Ellen Hopkins (also Rumble and Tilt)
Karma by Cathy Ostlere
Audacious by Gabrielle Prendergast
Three Rivers Rising by Jame Richards
Counting Back From Nine by Valerie Sherrard
Orchards by Holly Thomspon
The Language Inside by Holly Thompson
A Time to Dance by Radma Venkatraman
Like Water on Stone by Dana Walrath

Downloadable Display Resources

National Poetry Month Display Signs – Includes “April is,” “National Poetry Month,” “April 30 is Poem-In-Your-Pocket Day,” “Take a Poem,” “Now is the time to celebrate the beauty and power of poetry. If you like expressive stories and gritty but beautiful language, you’ll love these novels in verse, ” and 4 quotes about poetry, in the font Ostrich Sans

Poem In Your Pocket pack from poets.org

Teen Poetry Toolkit – a light-hearted resource that includes prompts, inspiration, information, and opportunity for teens to write poems.

As always, feel free to use my displays in your public or school library – just let me know via e-mail or comment.

What does your library do for National Poetry Month? Poetry contest, slams, author talks, workshops, posters?


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