Marvel vs. DC Graphic Novel Display


I can’t believe I didn’t think of this display earlier! It’s such a simple concept. Some kids and teens might not grasp the difference between superhero universes, so this is a cool way to get them thinking about the differences between their favourite heroes.


I used coloured printer paper (red for Marvel, blue for DC) to create the background for the poster, with a jagged rift through the middle. I printed and mounted the logos to read “MARVEL VS DC” in the center. I painstakingly cut out Superman for the DC side and Hulk for the Marvel side, and added a classic comic book speech bubble “You’ll never get away with this!” and “To be continued…” I added “POW” and “BAM” to the edges. The goal was to create a flashy mock panel.


If it didn’t take so long to cut out the superhero figures, I would gradually add new ones, and build two opposing superhero teams.

Of course the books on the display were divided by publisher.

Are you a Marvel or a DC?

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